Ludwig Wittgenstein er en af det tyvende århundredes mest betydningsfulde filosoffer. Han skriver blandt andet om tvivl og tro - enhver tvivl forudsætter at jeg tror på noget.
Nedenstående citat er fra "Über gewisheit"
§125. If a blind man were to ask me "Have you got two hands?" I should not make sure by looking. If I were to have any doubt of it, then I don't know why I should trust my eyes. For why shouldn't I test my eyes by looking to find out whether I see my two hands? What is to be tested by what? (Who decides what stands fast?) And what does it mean to say that such and such stands fast?
(kilde: ed. G. E. M. Anscombe and G. H. von Wright
Translated by Denis Paul and G. E. M. Anscombe Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1969-1975)
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